Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Don’t let your fears be bigger than your dreams

I have always believed that being fearless isn’t about not having fear, it’s about having the fear and overcoming it anyway. Fear doesn’t necessarily  have to be in a sport or going skydiving, fear can be talking to someone you get nervous around or fear of not paying bills, which we all know what that is like. 

Today I was standing on 10meter and a small fear hit me. For the first time in quite a while I was scared to do my dive. My favorite dive, my easiest dive, I was worried. I tried to calm myself down, but something in my head took over. I took a deep breath and told myself I have done this so many times, it’s easy just do it. I went for it and survived. Sometimes we have those little fears that come to us and trusting yourself is all you need to do. When you start to worry close your eyes, take a deep breath and say “Trust”. You know you can do it, your body knows you can do it; you just need to trust yourself. 

I decided to trust myself in signing up for a 10KM race on Pioneer Day (7 days from now). My coach is running the half marathon that day and has always been an inspiration to me in running. My coach is to beat his time in my 10K with his half marathon time. So that is approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes. I haven’t been training too much either for this, so I am a little worried. I have done a few 5km runs past little bit, but not too much. I know I have people who are backing me on this and they all believe in me; I just need to trust myself. This is one for my bucket list if I complete it. 

My advice for everyone today is: have goals and trust yourself! 

-Kersten xo.

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