Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Falling into place

That moment when things are finally starting to click is the greatest feeling. Even in my life outside of diving when all of my hard work finally pays off is just a wonderful feeling.

Today I got to experience that in diving.

Practice has been quite interesting. During the summer we go back to basics, start at the bottom and build our way back up to our dives we compete. During competition season we tend to forget the basics and focus on the big dives, but ultimately if you can't do an approach, you can't do the dive! It was quite interesting going back to the "easy" dives. Trust me they weren't that easy! I was smacking on my back and on my front over and over. If I can't do the simplest dive how was I ever able to make my harder dives. The theory is if you can have the technique of the simpler dives you are able to transition into the harder dives. It has been a long few weeks of nothing but blah. Today was the first day it clicked. I was able to do my harder dive better than I have ever done. It was higher, it was faster and I had a nice come out. FINALLY!

Today in the "real world" my issue was MATH. Goodness I wonder if anyone else has as much trouble with math as I do. I feel the class started off fairly easy, I joked saying the class was a joke. I spoke too soon. I am now sitting here trying to do some conversions.... I don't even know how to start these questions. I try to tackle my math problems as if I were to tackle a new dive. Start with what I know and go for it. Don't be afraid, be confident. Sounds silly, but half the time I over think my math problems and at first I had them right, but then change them to the incorrect answer. Like in diving and life I need to trust my gut instinct even in math. If anyone knows math, let me know!

It was really exciting to be recognized for something outside of just my diving skills. My amazing teammate Al and I were acknowledged for going to the NCAA Career in Sport Forum, the one I had mentioned earlier this month. Check out this article and hear what we learned.

Happy Tuesday.

-Kersten xo.

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